September 6: We picked up the drywall.
It took us two full bed-loads to get it home.
The limo had to be moved out to make room.
Holy angled-shot, Batman!
The first truckload is done.
These are 10-footers.
Keith puts in the foyer drywall for the insulation.
This section used two 4x8 foot sheets.
Now, we cannot see into the foyer from the dining room.
September 13: The trim around the laundry chute. Say, "Bye-bye."
Above the former chute is a new switch for a new/old light.
The switch was cake to install as was the wiring to it.
The wiring for the new ceiling fan, however, required some access holes.
Because of the large ceiling fan switch, a second box to contain the wire-nuts had to be added.
This is the speed control fan & light switch.
Here is the new $100 ceiling fan. 52 inches, baby!
Adventures in the uninsulated attic.
Old wires we removed, junction boxes added, and new wires run.
Look at the patheticly undersized vent openings. They were cut out.
This is the light box for an old light the previous owners "pushed into the ceiling" and covered up. We restored it.
Here is the juntion box that sends power to the fan and the bedroom wall socket.
This odd wire runs the length of the roof. 1930s technology for...
| internal roof antenna. Insulated at the ends by these glass insulators.
Here is the new ceiling fan box installed with old waterbed boards.
This odd screen covers a vent opening into the chimney.
This is the last junction box before the only outlet in the master bedroom. Now there are four more outlets in the same room on two different circuits.
Here is the hole where a light used to be. We are re-installing it.
The box is bolted to a 2x4 and can hold up a gorilla.
Instead of a gorilla, it holds this small fixture.
This is the wire to the new switch.